CMS Energy Corporation (CMS) Stock Forecasts

CMS Energy Corporation (CMS) Stock Forecasts


CMS is an energy company based in Michigan, primarily focused on utility operations within the state. The company has electricity generation, transmission, and distribution operations. Natural gas operations include transmission, distribution, compression, and underground storage operations. Its principal business is Consumers Energy Company, a state and federally regulated utility, provides electricity and natural gas to 1.8 million customers in Michigan. Consumers has about 8.6 GW of generating capacity. CMS’s 2024 fuel mix is about 35% coal, 57% natural gas, 8% wind, and 2% hydropower. CMS’s operating subsidiary, NorthStar Clean Energy, is a vertically integrated, unregulated company that provides energy marketing for non-utility operations and owns and operates independent power generating plants, and natural gas infrastructure. NorthStar has about 1.6GW of generating capacity and a presence in AK, OH, MI, NC, TX, and WI.


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