The New He-Man Movie Is About To Have The Ultimate Cameo

The New He-Man Movie Is About To Have The Ultimate Cameo

By Chris Snellgrove
| Published

Ever look forward to a movie even when, in the parlance of Star Wars, you have a bad feeling about it? Despite my misgivings about the plot, the film I am most inexplicably excited about is Amazon’s upcoming Masters of the Universe movie. I’m a He-Man fan from way back, and I’m so passionate about the franchise that I even enjoy the generally hated live-action film from 1987. And because of my love for the old film, I was ecstatic to discover that original live-action He-Man actor Dolph Lundgren will seemingly have a cameo in the new Masters of the Universe.

Dolph Lundgren Cameo In New Masters Of The Universe

masters of the universe dolph lundgren

I say “seemingly” because Dolph Lundgren hasn’t confirmed anything yet. Instead, he’s simply dropped some Grayskull-sized hints that he has a cameo in the upcoming Masters of the Universe. It all started with an Instagram post in which the Rocky star posted pics of himself enjoying a “frozen Direct Martini from the master Salvatore Calabrese at Velvet Bar.” But He-Man fans quickly noticed that the actor was “in London for my secret project,” and that’s the city where new He-Man actor Nicholas Galitzine has been filming scenes for the upcoming Masters of the Universe movie.

By itself, that first Dolph Lundgren post would not necessary indicate a cameo in the new He-Man film. After all, any number of film projects may take the man to London. But he made another Instagram post showcasing how he was getting fitted for a wig and confirmed this was for a “secret project.” This is clearly referencing the same secret project from the earlier post, and the wig fitting has many He-Man fans convinced that Lundgren is going to play one of the more obscure characters from Masters of the Universe mythology.

In the extended Masters of the Universe lore, King Grayskull was basically the first He-Man. He served as an ancestor to Prince Adam, one who fought against Hordak and ultimately gave his life to rid Eternia of that villain’s foul presence. Many fans are now speculating that Dolph Lundgren will make a cameo as this character for one simple reason: the King Grayskull seen in the 2002 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe cartoon looks exactly like an older He-Man with very long hair.

All of this is just speculation, of course, but Dolph Lundgren making a cameo in the new Masters of the Universe film would be a perfect Easter egg for the original generation of He-Man fans. This was the generation that watched Lundgren square off with Frank Langella on the big screen in the original movie, and for all its flaws, that movie was still a dream come true for everyone with a Castle Grayskull playset at home. Film-wise, Lundgren is the first He-Man, so having him symbolically embrace that role as King Grayskull would be a perfect tip of the hat to the original fans who made this franchise what it is.

As of now, we’re still waiting for Amazon to confirm whether or not Dolph Lundgren will make a cameo as King Grayskull or anything else in the new Masters of the Universe movie. But our fingers are fully crossed that this ‘80s icon will be returning to the fictional universe that helped make him a household name for generations of younger fans. After all, this new film could definitely benefit from the power of (King) Grayskull if it hopes to succeed in a world filled with modern fantasy fare like House of the Dragon and Amazon’s own Rings of Power.

Source: For Eternia

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